Kasha Delehanty

1996 R1100rt Bmw Vacuum Line Routing Diagram

All of the fuel-injected BMWs have a fuel pump inside the tank, with hoses that can be somewhat complex to understand. Furthermore, incorrect connection of these hoses can yield long-term problems. For this discussion I'll focus on Oilhead fuel tanks, partly because I have one convenient for pictures and partly because these models seem to be the target of most of the confusion. The K1200RS/GT/LT tank is similar; more details on the internals and how they differ will be described in a following issue.

Fuel pump plate

The four main hoses connected to the plate. The plastic ring on the pipe where the drain line connects identifies that as the drain.

All of these bikes have a plate fastened to the inner surface of the fuel tank (facing the engine), upon which is mounted the pump and filter, and float sensor. This is held on by six nuts on metal tanks and six bolts on plastic tanks. Each model (RS, RT, GS, R, and S) has a different plate so there is no one diagram which will work for all of them, but here is an RT plate as an example:

The fuel pump plate has four hoses connected to the outside of the plate:

  • filler neck water drain
  • vapor vent
  • fuel supply to the regulator and injectors
  • fuel return from the regulator to the tank

Drain and vent lines

The filler neck drain is actually the most problematic in my experience. This hose runs from the underside of the filler neck (look under the cap and you'll see a small hole at 9:00, this is the drain) through the tank to a pass-through pipe on the plate. From the outside, another rubber hose runs from the plate to somewhere near the right footpeg. The external hose is marked with X-X-X or XXXXX so you can keep track of it, but often the internal one isn't.

The second small hose, the vent line, runs from the vapor vent inside the tank to the plate and then to the charcoal canister. If the canister has been removed, this line should run with the filler neck drain hose down by the footpeg.

Both of these vent hoses normally have disconnect fittings tied to the right frame rail under the seat.

Vent and drain hoses at the right frame rail. Notice the X marks on the lower (drain) hose.

One common mistake is to cross-connect them after removing the tank. It's easy to do, because the way the factory usually connected the lines at the tank (drain line lies on top) is the reverse of how they would lie at the disconnect fittings, so you usually need to cross them somewhere. No matter; you should be able to determine which is the drain line by looking for the X on the hose. If you can't find them, open the filler cap and blow into one hose. If you feel air coming out of the drain hole, that's the drain line (!). If you blow into the vent line, you will find that it feels like it's almost clogged. This is because the vent hole in the trap is very small. On a model with a tipover valve on the vent, you will not be able to blow into it at all if the tank is not upright.

The outcome of crossing the hoses is that rainwater from the drain goes to the canister, which fills with water and gets clogged. Then water will no longer drain through the line and will back up into the filler opening. When you open the fuel flap, that water goes into the tank. A secondary effect of this is that once the hoses are reconnected properly, the tank will no longer vent properly because of the clogged canister.

Another problem is that the steel tube where the lines go through the plate will clog. Usually this affects the drain line, with the obvious symptom being that water remains in the filler neck area. Every time I change the fuel filter on one of these bikes, I verify that these lines are clear. About one out of five times, the drain line is clogged! Additionally, one can pinch these lines when reinstalling the tank or possibly when reinstalling the plate.

The lines are not always long enough to allow you to remove the plate and all of its parts from the tank, so you may need to remove them from the inside of the plate. Sometimes they can be worked off but usually I release the clips holding them on by pressing the clasp sideways with a screwdriver.

Pushing the clamp apart with a screwdriver. These are the 10mm internal lines.

When reinstalling, be sure that they do not get tangled in the float arm! Some people have tried to lengthen them to make plate removal easier, but have found that the lines then foul the float. Early in the R1100 history BMW made a change to the length of these lines for the same reason.

On early bikes the internal hoses are nominally 8mm OD on later bikes they are 10mm (in both cases the actual measurements are larger). External hoses are, in real dimensions, 9~10mm depending on the year. With age these lines can split, and replacement is very straightforward. See the end of this article for part numbers. Vent hose is sold by the meter; one meter of each type (X and plain) is enough to replace the hoses back to the connection fittings.

Fuel lines

The fuel lines are simpler, because the lines do not cross when connected normally. The lines leave the tank in a natural over/under orientation which matches the upper and lower pipes on the fuel distributor. The lower line supplies pressurized fuel to the regulator and injectors, while the upper line returns low-pressure fuel to the tank. Starting in the early 2000s most bikes were equipped with quick-disconnects manufactured by CPC. If you don't have them, you will probably want to use fuel line shut-off clamps when removing the tank, to keep fuel from flowing out of the return line.

Note that the lines inside the tank are different than those outside! If you are relocating the fuel fiter and need to add hose inside the tank, or want to replace some existing hoses inside the tank, you must not use the same line that is used outside the tank. It will not resist immersion in fuel; the correct line is fuel resistant on the inside and outside whereas standard fuel line is only fuel resistant on its inner surface.

There was a recall revolving around the possibility of loose crimps on the fuel lines and damaged O-rings in the disconnect fittings, but the use of the fittings remained through the end of R1150 production and even on the R1200 models. I find the disconnect fittings useful and have added them to my own motorcycles, but some people have removed them for reliability concerns.

The two most likely problems are a damaged O-ring from sloppy reassembly, or a broken male disconnect fitting. To reassemble these, wipe all of the dirt from the male side and apply a thin film of grease to it. Press the latch on the female side and carefully press them together. Once they are partially engaged, release the latch and continue pushing them together until you hear and feel the latch click.

As for the breakage issue, BMW has now updated the male fitting to a metal part rather than the original plastic.

Hose clamps

The vent lines are held on by CLIC-R clamps. These can be released by pushing the two halves sideways until they slip apart. They can easily be reconnected by the use of angled flush-cut end nippers, which will catch both sides without interfering with them as they squeeze back together. Better yet, buy pliers specific to these clamps; using them one way opens the clamp and using them the other way closes them. Since those connections are immersed in fuel, it's important that they are secure or else fuel can leak into the lines and then into the canister or onto the ground.

Still inside the tank, the fuel lines are secured at the factory by Oetiker size 16 crimp-type clamps. When the fuel filter is replaced for the first time, threaded clamps are typically used to facilitate future changes. Crimps are also used at the external connections at the tank, at the fuel distributor, and at the disconnect fittings (if present). When installing disconnect fittings, I use the crimps because they are much smaller and have less tendency to cut the hands of the person trying to assemble and disassemble the fittings in the future. When removing the tank on a motorcycle without these fittings, I always use threaded clamps. External fuel lines are 5/16" R9 fuel hose, and I use 13mm threaded clamps because the 12.5mm clamps are just a little bit too tight to slip over the end of the hose. Inside the tank, you MUST use R10 fuel line (rated for immersion in fuel) and I use 12.5mm clamps.

At top, male and female quick-disconnect fittings (made by CPC). Bottom: CLIC-R 55/80 clamp, Oetiker 16 crimp, and Gemi (BMW) 12.5mm clamp.


  • 16 11 1 342 049 - 8mm external vent/drain hose, one meter
  • 16 11 1 342 050 - 8mm external vent/drain hose (X), one meter
  • 13 53 2 325 737 - 10mm internal vent/drain hose, one meter
  • 16 13 1 455 350 - 8mm internal return hose, non-reinforced (2V K-bikes)
  • 16 11 1 431 962 - CLIC-R 55/75 clamps
  • 16 11 2 313 574 - CLIC-R 55/80 clamps for later 8mm hose
  • 64 12 1 378 285 - CLIC-R 66/100 clamps for 10mm hose
  • 16 12 1 180 040 - internal fuel hose 8x13 $30/meter
  • 13 31 1 469 781 - external fuel hose 7.5x12.5 obsolete
  • 16 12 1 180 409 - external fuel hose 8x13 $40/meter
  • 17 12 1 461 500 - 12.5mm threaded clamp
  • 13 31 1 460 928 - 13mm threaded clamp
  • 16 12 1 176 918 - Oetiker 16 crimp
  • 13 53 7 700 800 - Quick-disconnect (male, metal)*
  • 13 31 7 659 120 - Quick-disconnect (female, plastic)

* This is a recent upgrade from the previous plastic part

Posted by: kashadelehantyrie.blogspot.com

Source: http://largiader.com/articles/fueltank/

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Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 to program do tworzenia i edytowania prezentacji multimedialnych o zaawansowanych możliwościach, który jest częścią komercyjnego pakietu biurowego Microsoft Office 2016. Aplikacja została wyposażona w inteligentne rozwiązania oraz dużą liczbę przydatnych funkcji oraz narzędzi usprawniających cały proces tworzenia profesjonalnie wyglądających prezentacji multimedialnych, które mogą zawierać w sobie różnego rodzaju obrazy cyfrowe, pliki audio i wideo, animacje oraz kształty i figury geometryczne. Najnowsza wersja programu Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 posiada bardzo dużą liczbę usprawnień pod kątem elastycznej i zarazem produktywnej pracy. Dodatkowo odświeżono wygląd graficznego interfejsu użytkownika (GUI), który od tej edycji bezpośrednio nawiązuje do znanego, nowoczesnego stylu Modern UI, znanego chociażby z najnowszych odsłon systemów operacyjnych z rodziny Microsoft Windows. PowerPoint 2016 dostępny jest na komputery stacjonarne i przenośne oparte na platformie systemowej Windows i macOS. Warto przy okazji wspomnieć, że obie edycje posiadają taki sam interfejs użytkownika, co powoduje, że praca będzie komfortowa, nawet przy zmianie platformy systemowej.

Screenshot: Microsoft PowerPoint 2016

PowerPoint 2016 to najlepiej wykonany program do tworzenia i edytowania prezentacji multimedialnych w całej historii pakietu Microsoft Office

Za pomocą zaawansowanego oprogramowania Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 użytkownicy będą mogli projektować w szybki sposób jedyne w swoim rodzaju profesjonalnie wyglądające prezentacje multimedialne. Do każdych tworzonych slajdów dla prezentacji można wstawiać między innymi pola tekstowe, cliparty, kształty, elementy SmartArt, wykresy, a nawet materiały filmowe (wideo) oraz dźwiękowe (audio). Dodatkowo zaawansowany program do tworzenia prezentacji multimedialnych Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 pozwala również upiększać każde slajdy pokaźną liczbą profesjonalnie wyglądającymi animacjami oraz efektami przejść.

Jeśli nie mamy czasu lub ochoty na tworzenie prezentacji multimedialnych od podstaw, to istnieje możliwość skorzystania z jednego z kilkudziesięciu, profesjonalnie wyglądających gotowych motywów. Każdy z dostępnych w PowerPoint 2016 szablonów można dostosować do własnych potrzeb oraz wykorzystać w projektach komercyjnych, takich jak szkolenia i materiały promocyjne. Gotową prezentację w Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 będzie można zapisać w pliku o rozszerzeniu PPT, PPTX, POT, POTX, PPS, PPSX, PPTM, POTM oraz PPSM. Dodatkowo będzie można wyeksportować poszczególne slajdy do pliku graficznego BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG i TIFF.

PowerPoint 2016 - Twórz efektowne prezentacje

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 w ręce użytkowników oddaje zaawansowane funkcje i narzędzia, dzięki którym otrzymamy możliwość projektowania efektownie wyglądających prezentacji multimedialnych na komputerach klasy PC i Mac. Na tworzonych slajdach prezentacji oprócz pól tekstowych będzie można umieszczać nowocześnie wyglądające elementy graficzne i wykresy, a nawet zrzuty ekranu. Amerykański producent oprogramowania PowerPoint 2016 w ciekawy sposób rozwiązał kwestię wstawiania zrzutów ekranowych do prezentacji multimedialnych. Po kliknięciu myszką na strzałkę przy stosownej opcji, zostaną wyświetlone miniatury otwartych okien programów, co pozwala znacznie szybciej wstawiać zrzuty ekranu. W programie Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 możliwe jest również wstawianie wskazanego przez użytkownika wycinka pulpitu.

PowerPoint 2016 - Alternatywne programy do prezentacji multimedialnych

Darmowy PowerPoint 2016 nie jest oferowany przez giganta z Redmond, tak więc nie chomikuj posiadanych prezentacji multimedialnych Microsoft PowerPoint w formacie PPT na dysku twardym. Posiadane pliki PPT można poddać dalszej edycji w stosownych odpowiednikach wchodzących w skład pakietów biurowych, takich jak Apache OpenOffice i LibreOffice. Warto też sięgnąć po specjalną przeglądarkę MS PowerPoint Viewer, która pozwala oglądać oraz odtwarzać pliki prezentacji multimedialnych utworzonych w PowerPoincie.

PowerPoint 2016 - Zalecane wymagania sprzętowe

  • Procesor: 1 GHz Intel Pentium/AMD Athlon (lub lepszy);
  • Pamięć RAM: 1 GB lub więcej;
  • HDD: 3 GB wolnego miejsca na dysku twardym;
  • Karta graficzna: zgodna z DirectX 10;
  • System operacyjny: Windows 7, 8, 8.1 i 10 oraz Windows Server 2008 i 2012 (32-/64-bit).

PowerPoint 2016 - Dodatkowe informacje

Wersja testowa PowerPoint 2016 działa przez okres 30 dni od momentu zainstalowania i uruchomienia. Aby móc zapoznać się z możliwościami zaawansowanego programu do tworzenia prezentacji multimedialnych należy zainstalować testową wersję pakietu biurowego Microsoft Office 2016 Professional na okres 30 dni ze wszystkimi aplikacjami. Po naciśnięciu przycisku Pobierz zostanie pobrany plik instalacyjny pakietu Office. W celu aktywacji produktu należy użyć klucza NKGG6-WBPCC-HXWMY-6DQGJ-CPQVG.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 to dziesiąta wersja cenionego na świecie programu do tworzenia i edycji prezentacji multimedialnych, który wchodzi w skład pakietu biurowego Office 2016. Dzięki tej aplikacji w prosty i szybki sposób przygotujemy profesjonalnie wyglądające materiały szkoleniowe, podsumowania budżetowe czy reklamy nowych produktów. Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 jest najczęściej pobieranym programem do robienia prezentacji multimedialnych w formacie PPT i PPTX.

Posted by: kashadelehantyrie.blogspot.com

Source: https://download.komputerswiat.pl/biuro-i-praca/tworzenie-prezentacji/microsoft-powerpoint-2016

powerpoint Image Extractor V1.2 Download

When you see a great PowerPoint file online, you can download the elements in it for your personal use. No matter you are a Windows user or Mac user, solutions in this article can help you extract all kinds of embedded files like videos, audios, images, or other media files of a PowerPoint.

Extract PowerPoint Files on Windows
Extract PowerPoint Files on Mac
Extract Individual Video or Image from PowerPoint

Extract PowerPoint Files on Windows

To separate files from PowerPoint on Windows 10/8/7, you can simply convert the presentation to a zipped file folder.


In case you lose the source file, you'd better copy the original PPT or PPTX file first and follow the steps on the copy.

It only works on .ppt and .pptx file but not PDFs or .docx file.

Show PowerPoint file extension
Before you change the presentation to a zipped files folder, you should make sure the File Explorer is set to show file names with file extensions.

For Windows 10/8 users:

  • Go to File Explorer, click View in the upper menu.
  • In the Show/hide group, check the File name extensions.

Show File Name Extension

For Window 7/Vista/XP users:

  • Go to Windows Explorer, click Folder and Search Options.
  • In Windows 7, it is under Organize. In Windows Vista/XP, it is on Tools > Folder Options.

Folder Options

  • On the View tab > Files and Folders, uncheck Hide extensions for known file types.

Show File Extension Win7

Open PowerPoint file as a folder

  • After the PowerPoint file extension is shown, right-click on the presentation.
  • Select Rename and change the file extension to .zip.
  • Open the zipped file and you will see it contains several folders. The videos, images, or audios you need are in the ppt > media folder.

Media Folder

Copy or drag the media you need to the desk and change the .zip extension to .pptx to restore the original file.

Extract PowerPoint Files on Mac

Just like extracting files on Windows, you can rename the .pptx file on Mac to .zip and unzip it to get the media you need. But it is possible that sometimes the zipped file get unzipped to a zip.cpgz file. Unzip it and it would again become a zip file, going around in circles.

Here is the solution to this problem.

If you change the PowerPoint file extension to .zip and double click on it but nothing works, follow the steps:

  • Go to Applications > Utilities > Terminal. Or search Terminal in Spotlight.
  • Find the folder where the presentation file is located.
  • Unzip the file.

If it doesn't work, try to rename the .pptx file to .zip file and do the procedures above again.

When it is opened, you will see 3 folders(_rels, docProps, and ppt) in finder and a .xml file. Click on the ppt folder > media. The videos, audios, and images you want are all in it.

Media File Mac

Extract Individual Video or Image from PowerPoint

Except for changing PowerPoint file extension, there is also one way to grab individual images, audio, or video from PowerPoint.

If you just want one video or audio in the PPT file, or you want to play a few slides and save it as a video file, a screen recording program will be helpful to you. Here is how to do:

Download FonePaw Screen Recorder first.

Windows Version DownloadMac Version Download

Enable FonePaw Screen Recorder and click Video Recorder.

interface of Video Recording

Present the PowerPoint file and locate the slides you want to extract. Or play the video you want to extract in the PPT file.

Click REC to begin recording. When it is finished, you can save it as MP4, WMV, or other formats.

In addition to converting the PPT to an individual video,  you can also record the audio or capture one specific picture in the PowerPoint file with FonePaw Screen Recorder.

Posted by: kashadelehantyrie.blogspot.com

Source: https://blog.fonepaw.com/extract-video-audio-image-from-powerpoint.html

Free Pharmacy Books Download Pdf

How to Create a PDF Book Cover

By F.R.R. Mallory

Ebook covers can be designed on the computer.

i work in office and home image by salimar6 from <a href='http://www.fotolia.com'>Fotolia.com</a>

A PDF is a type of computer file used to restrict a file to exactly how you want others to see it. Traditional document files are not fixed in terms of how they will display. Your browser and computer can replace the font style and other formatting criteria based on how your browser or computer preferences are set up. This means that most documents are variable. With a PDF, this variability is halted by the pdf file saving process. Using a PDF file, you can create a book cover that will display exactly the same way no matter what type of browser or computer is used to open the file. Creating a PDF file for your book cover is not difficult if you have a PDF file creating software or if your computer has PDF file creation built into its systems.

Step 1

Open a Microsoft Word file on your computer. (You can use other page creation software if your computer uses another word processing program like WordPerfect or if you have image editing software like Photoshop.)

Step 2

Select a photograph, image or piece of artwork that you would like to use to make your book cover attractive or interesting. If you intend to sell the pdf book, the images must be your personal property or the rights must be purchased from the owner of the image. Insert the image on the page. Reduce the margins if you want the image to fill the entire page.

Step 3

Select your font choice, color and size. If you want to position the type on top of the photograph, select "wrapping" and choose to place the image behind the text. Fill out your book title, the author and any other information you want to place on the cover. In most cases the title should be large and prominent as the most important information on the cover. The author or editor's name should be next in prominence.

Step 4

Choose "background color" if you want to change the background of the entire document to one color. Once you have the cover looking the way you want, save your file. If your computer is a Mac and if you have an updated Microsoft Word or Office program, you can simply select "print." On the bottom left of the print window is a PDF option that will allow you to save the file as a PDF.

Step 5

Open a PDF creation program if your computer does not have one as part of its system programs. Open your document in that PDF creation program's format and save your cover as a PDF file.



  • If you intend for your book to be downloaded and printed, check your cover by printing it out to see how it looks as a printed cover.

Writer Bio

F.R.R. Mallory has been published since 1996, writing books, short stories, articles and essays. She has worked as an architect, restored cars, designed clothing, renovated homes and makes crafts. She is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley with bachelor's degrees in psychology and English. Her fiction short story "Black Ice" recently won a National Space Society contest.

Source: https://itstillworks.com/create-pdf-book-cover-8184128.html

Posted by: kashadelehantyrie.blogspot.com

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Posted by: kashadelehantyrie.blogspot.com

Source: http://ecbivo.jugem.jp/?eid=485